Most of what to expect during wisdom tooth removal is planning for any sedation and then keeping comfortable as you heal afterwards.
As far as the sedation, you’ll want to make sure that you have someone to drive you home and stay with you until the medication completely wears off. For most people, this is a family member or a good friend.
Once you get home, you’ll want to have a place to rest with your head elevated, such as a recliner or several pillows behind your back. Having over the counter pain reliever, cold compresses, and soft foods on hand are essential.
Stay hydrated but avoid drinking through a straw or any alcoholic or caffeinated beverages, as these could delay wound healing and increase your chances of getting a dry socket.
In most cases, our Calgary dentist will use a dissolvable suture at your extraction site. However, we may still need to see you within a week to monitor your healing and check for any small bone fragments that may be working their way out.