Dental Hygienists in Calgary

Dental Hygiene at Macleod Trail Dental is what we do best.

Our experienced Dental Hygienists are the cornerstone of our patient experience. Since much of the patient interaction is with this group, we have carefully handpicked a team of hygienists that excel at their craft as well as inpatient interaction. As a family practice, we select Dental Hygienists that are versatile enough to manage anyone from the fidgety child to the fragile grandmother.

In the care of our hygienists, expect:

  • Sincere attention, care or authenticity
  • Gentle (careful) treatment)
  • A clean, sterilized environment

Relationships are very important to our clinic, especially within our Dental Hygiene group. Through the course of multiple visits, our Hygienists make an effort to understand a patient both from a clinic and personal standpoint so that every treatment becomes more individual as your relationship with Macleod Trail Dental matures.

Dental Cleanings are the foundation of your healthy smile!

Our Registered Dental Hygienists are friendly, thorough and gentle. They are supportive and educate their patients, without lecturing! Current techniques and equipment are utilized while providing gentle, teeth cleanings in a supportive and non-critical manner. Not only do dental cleanings improve the appearance of your smile, they are an integral part of maintaining dental health. Hygiene services include routine dental cleanings for children and adult to caring for patients with periodontal disease. Dental examinations are recommended but not necessary when visiting our dental hygienists. Our focus is on making your hygiene appointment comfortable. We offer Sedation, needle-less anaesthetic and various techniques to deal with sensitive teeth or gums

The hygienists work with our registered dental assistants to create a nurturing and relaxed environment for our young patients. Our goal is to make children life-long dental fans! Our children’s program is positive and fun; we create a pleasant experience, making dental visits something children look forward to. Children are seen as early as one year of age, more typically between 2 and 3 years of age. The first visit is often a no-charge office orientation, where the child is introduced to the practice and sits in the dental chair, meets the dentists and the assistants, and visits the toy box! Usually, at their next visit, a child is comfortable enough to allow us to conduct an examination and cleaning!

Multiple hygienists and extended office hours make scheduling family appointments very convenient and easy!

Dental hygiene is the cornerstone of your dental health and our goal is to make it as convenient and comfortable as possible.

What happens in your mouth doesn’t necessarily stay in your mouth.

Research has shown that there may be an association between periodontal disease and other chronic inflammatory conditions, such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes, among others. Scientists believe that inflammation may be the cause behind the link between periodontal disease and other chronic conditions. Inflammation, the body’s reaction to fight off infection, guard against injury, or shield against irritation, initially intends to have a protective effect. Untreated chronic inflammation, on the other hand, can lead to the destruction of affected tissues, which can lead to more serious health conditions. If you think or know you have one of the inflammatory conditions listed below, it is important to talk with both your physician and a dental health professional, such as a periodontist, to help reduce your risk of further disease progression. Dental professionals and medical professionals will often work together to manage their patients living with, or at risk for, the following diseases:

Cardiovascular Disease

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is one of the leading killers of men and women each year. Research has shown that inflammation is a major risk factor for developing CVD, and that people with periodontal disease may have an increased risk for CVD. Though more research is needed to better understand the connection between periodontal disease and CVD, don’t be surprised if your dentist asks you about your heart health or if your cardiologist or physician asks you about your periodontal health.


Periodontal disease can be a complication of diabetes. Researchers have found that people with poorly controlled Type 2 diabetes are more likely to develop periodontal disease. However, the risk isn’t just one way; people with periodontal disease may find it more difficult to control their blood sugar levels, which can increase the risk for diabetic complications. If you are living with diabetes, it is crucial that you pay close attention to your periodontal health.

Pregnancy Complications

Studies have shown that women with periodontal disease may be at an increased risk of pregnancy complications, such as delivering a preterm or low birth weight baby. More research is needed to determine the exact relationship, but expectant mothers should consider having a periodontal evaluation to ensure that their periodontal health is at its best.

Respiratory Diseases

Research has suggested that bacteria found in the mouth can be drawn into the respiratory tract and cause an inflammatory response in the lungs, commonly known as pneumonia. In addition, periodontal disease may also worsen existing chronic lung conditions. Anyone with lung or respiratory problems should consider a complete oral health examination to determine if gum disease is present.

Since periodontal disease has been shown to have a connection with other chronic diseases, you should try to keep your teeth and gums healthy. First, be sure to brush your teeth at least twice each day and floss your teeth at least once each day. Additionally, you should receive a comprehensive periodontal exam each year from your general dentist or your periodontist. Doing so can help ensure that your periodontal health is at its best, which can help keep your entire body healthy.

For more information visit our Hygiene Information page.

Reprinted from: The American Academy of Periodontology Patient Page is a public service of the AAP and should not be used as a substitute for the care and advice of your personal periodontist. There may be variations in treatment that your periodontist will recommend based on individual facts and circumstances.

Visit to assess your risk and for more information on periodontal disease.

AAP Patient Page November 2010

Frequently Asked Dental Questions

Though seeing the dentist twice a year works very well for most people, how often you should schedule your dental checkups highly depends on your unique oral health needs such as:

  • How well you take care of your teeth, gums and mouth
  • Whether or not you have any recurring oral health problems you need treated or checked
  • How fast tartar builds up on your teeth
  • If you smoke
  • Whether you have a history of cavities or gum disease
  • Your overall health

The schedule can change for you during your lifetime. In times of stress and illness, you may need to see the dentist more regularly. If you take good care of your teeth at home and your dentist doesn’t find any cavities or gum disease for a few years, he or she may choose to lengthen the time between your visits. In order to determine what schedule works for you, ask your dentist for the best advice before planning your routine dental visits.

When you have your first dental checkup, it is extremely important that you tell your dental team about your medical history and any medications you are currently taking. You will need to tell them about medical conditions, any recent operations, allergies, and any tablets or medicines you have been prescribed.

This is because a number of medications can have oral side effects that may impact your health and overall comfort. These can include:

  • Dry mouth (xerostomia)
  • Inflammation of mouth tissues (stomatitis)
  • Enlargement of gums (gingival hyperplasia)

It is essential for your dentist to be aware of what medications you have been prescribed so that they can watch out for these common side effects and treat them accordingly. In addition, dentists often prescribe antibiotics and other medication that may negatively interact with the ones you are currently taking so it’s important for them to be aware of your medical history.

This information you provide is confidential and will help your dental team work together to ensure that they treat you in the safest way possible and don’t put you at any risk during treatment

During your first and subsequent visits to Macleod Trail Dental, we strive to create a comfortable, relaxing and friendly environment for you. Here are just some of the things you can expect from your primary visit at our dental clinic:
We will take your complete medical and dental history (as such factors can have a significant impact on your oral health as well as other health conditions.)

If you have insurance coverage, we will enter it into the computer. At the end of your visit, we will electronically submit it to your insurance company. In the typical case, the insurance company pays us and we collect any difference from you.

Digital x-rays will be taken as they are essential for the detection and diagnosis of dental caries, tumors, cysts, the position of the roots and teeth as well as for periodontal considerations such as bone loss.

One of our friendly, registered dental hygienists will perform a thorough examination of your gums and teeth. They will assess the mobility and bone levels of your mouth, the health of your gums and the presence of any gum disease.

A dental cleaning will include the removal of calculus (hardened plaque) which has formed above and below the gum line and which can’t be removed by simple brushing. During the cleaning, plaque is also removed and in the last stage, your teeth will be polished, removing any stains

Our dental team will also advise you on the best brushing and flossing techniques to keep your mouth clean and healthy.

After the cleaning, one of our highly trained dentists will complete a thorough dental examination which involves reviewing your x-rays, the hygienists findings and a complete physical exam, including an oral cancer screening.
The findings will be discussed with you and if any treatment is required, all your viable options will be explained.

Once your first treatment is fully completed, the costs are provided and insurance company pre-estimates for future treatments can be arranged, if necessary.

It is never too early to get your child acquainted with a dental team and office. Most children have teeth emerging by the age of one and have the majority of their teeth by age two. Decay can start within months of eruption and accidents can occur at anytime. We recommend that you bring in your child between age one and two for the chair ride and an oral exam.

Bleeding gums are a warning sign of gingivitis, the first stage of gum disease. If plaque on your teeth is not removed by effective brushing and flossing, it can infect the gums and lead to symptoms of gingivitis. When this occurs, you may find that your gums are swollen and tender and bleed during brushing. You should schedule an appointment immediately with your dental team as gum disease can eventually lead to tooth loss. The good news is that this early stage of the disease responds very well to regular checkups and proper brushing and flossing techniques.

Tooth decay is often the primary culprit of a toothache. However, it is important that you visit your dentist for a complete oral examination to determine the true cause. Other causes of a toothache can include:

  • Infection
  • Gum disease
  • Grinding teeth (bruxism)
  • Broken, chipped or damaged tooth
  • An abnormal bite
  • Tooth eruption (applies to babies and school-age children)

Upon scheduling a visit, our dentist will conduct a complete oral examination to determine the location and cause of the toothache, watching out for signs of swelling, redness, and obvious tooth damage. X-rays may have to be taken to search for evidence of tooth decay between teeth or a cracked or impacted tooth.

A fractured or broken tooth is considered a dental emergency and requires immediate dental attention as damage may have occurred to the internal tooth structure as well as to the outside of the tooth. When you visit our clinic, a dentist will assess the extent of the damage and suggest a treatment plan.
If you have a chipped, fractured or damaged tooth, call our dental team today and then:

  1. Carefully rinse your mouth with warm water
  2. Apply a cold compress if the damage was a result of trauma.
  3. Acetaminophen (NEVER Aspirin/Advil) may be taken as directed to reduce discomfort and pain.
  4. DO NOT apply painkillers to the site, even a product such as orajel, as it can burn the gum tissue around the tooth.

Once you arrive at our clinic, we will take an x-ray to determine the state of the affected tooth. If it appears the pulp (the soft tissue inside the tooth) has been damaged, endodontic treatment may be recommended. If the pulp is healthy and unaffected, a crown may be suggested. A simple resin restoration may be sufficient if the fractured tooth still has an adequate structure.

At Macleod Trail Dental, we understand that accidents happen. In cases of dental trauma such as tooth fractures, lost fillings, tissue injury and facial swelling, our patients depend on us for timely emergency dental treatment. That is why we have assigned blocks in our daily schedule that are specifically allocated to dental injuries or unforeseen accidents that require immediate attention. We empathize and want to reduce your pain and address the situation as quickly as possible which is why we offer same-day emergency dental care.

Although teeth whitening techniques seem relatively new, whitening agents have been used in dentistry for many, many years. They are usually peroxide based and, if used as directed, can be very successful. Some patients who have nerve exposure may experience increased sensitivity but this can be managed by our dental team’s expertise. However, too much whitening is never recommended as it can cause tooth sensitivity and abrasion. It is always a good idea to discuss your concerns with a member of our dental team prior to using any tooth whitening or bleaching products.

We always encourage our patients to ask questions and discuss their concerns with us. It sounds simple enough but sometimes it can be embarrassing or difficult. At Macleod Trail Dental, there is no need to feel that way.
Having all the available information and understanding fully the dental procedure that is recommended to you, you will be able to make a more informed decision about your treatment. Some of the questions you could ask include:

  • If you can see any pictures of the procedure or its end results
  • How much it will cost
  • How long it will take
  • If you will need to come in for follow-up treatments
  • If there are any alternatives to the procedure and if so, what are the advantages and disadvantages of each option.

Ultimately the final decision about how and when to proceed with any treatment is yours but we are there to help you understand what is involved in the procedures and to guide you every step of the way.

Be careful about getting information from unknown sources, including sources on the internet as some of this information may not be reliable.If you have already left the dental office without asking questions, please feel free to call us anytime or drop by. We’d be more than happy to help!

Yes! Maintaining a healthy lifestyle has much more to do with keeping your gums and teeth healthy than most people are aware of. By working towards and maintaining a healthy weight, being physically active and eating a well balanced, nutritional diet, you will be at a lower risk for periodontitis (gum disease.) There is a lot of research that supports the idea that gum disease is associated with other health complications like heart disease, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis and an increased risk of strokes. Looking after your teeth and following a proper, strict oral hygiene routine is really one of the best things you can do for your body.

If you have any questions/concerns please feel free to give us a call anytime at 403-253-1248 or email us at [email protected].