We believe it is very useful for our patients know what kind of treatments their dental insurance plan or benefit plan covers. Your Calgary Dentists at Macleod Trail Dental are dedicated to providing you the best dental care. This can help patients budget for and schedule regular dental treatments, as well as plan for longer-term treatments or make arrangements for the possibility of unexpected dental emergencies. Important details include the type of treatments covered by the plan; maximum coverage; and eligibility requirements for family members.
Who provides dental insurance?
Individuals can obtain a dental plan through numerous sources. For example, someone may access the benefits of dental coverage by:
- Purchasing them through an insurance company
- Being granted group health benefits through an employer or post secondary institution
Individuals with disabilities, seniors, and with lower income households may also be eligible to have a portion of their dental care costs covered by provincial health programs as well.
What should dental plans cover?
In Canada, dental plans are one of most common kinds of supplementary health insurance plans. These plans may include:
- Routine Services such as check-ups, examinations, cleanings, and X-rays
- Dental Treatments such as root canals, fillings, extractions, or restorative work
Understanding the Details of Dental Plans
While all dental plans can help the patient cover the cost of dentistry, not all plans are the same. It is beneficial to understand the details of your coverage when planning dental treatment. It’s also worthy to understand different aspects of dental insurance and benefits if you are considering getting a new dental coverage plan, changing plans, or even seeking additional coverage.
A few points to take into consideration are:
- The maximum available coverage: This can be a stipulated amount every year year, a total amount of coverage per type of treatment over time, or a set percentage of treatment cost. Plans may also include a combination of any of these variables.
- The types of treatment covered by the plan: Some plans cover specific elements of dentistry or have maximums for certain types of dentistry. Others may have limits on coverage for cosmetic procedures such as whitening or minor tooth straightening.
Tip – When the maximum of one part of a plan has been met, you may still be eligible for coverage for other aspects of treatment. This can be true even within one appointment (for example, if X-Rays are not covered, you may still be eligible for cleaning or vice versa), and can result in a surprisingly low-cost dentist visit for the patient.
- Eligibility of additional individuals covered by the plan: While many plans offer coverage for children or family members, this can come with specific criteria or requirements. For example, children may be covered up to a certain age, or until they finish post-secondary education.
Each combination of dental treatment plan and insurance is unique. For further information about how your plan covers check-ups, cleanings, and other dental services, contact us by phone at 403-253-1248 or by email at [email protected]