Calgary, AB, is a Museum Cache

Museums in Calgary offer residents and visitors a chance to learn about the city’s history, scientific achievements, major cultural events, historical eras, and more. You can also connect with different people while visiting these museums because you feel a sense of belonging. Visit this link for more information.

Below are the top museums you can visit in Calgary. 

Calgary Chinese Cultural Centre

The Calgary Chinese Cultural Centre, located in the center of Calgary, is a vibrant center for promoting and maintaining the city’s Chinese culture and legacy. The center opened in 1992, is a testimony to the great cultural diversity that enriches Calgary’s social fabric. The Calgary Chinese Cultural Centre boasts exquisite traditional Chinese architecture, including a distinctive three-tiered pagoda-style roof over the entrance. Visitors can discover a variety of cultural experiences and activities within its borders.  Read about Calgary, AB, is a Festive Town here.

The center hosts cultural festivals, exhibitions, and events throughout the year, such as the Chinese New Year celebrations, which fill the courtyard with the brilliant colors of lion and dragon dances. The Chinese Artifacts Museum is a prominent focus of the center, featuring a collection of priceless artifacts, art pieces, and historical displays that reflect the deep-rooted history and contributions of Chinese Canadians to Calgary’s growth. In addition, the center provides language classes, cultural workshops, and martial arts programs, creating a welcoming environment for cultural exchange and learning. The Calgary Chinese Cultural Centre is critical in bridging communities, encouraging cross-cultural understanding, and honoring Calgary’s ongoing tradition of Chinese culture. 

It is a cultural landmark that exemplifies the city’s dedication to welcoming diversity and supporting cultural enrichment.

Contemporary Calgary

Contemporary Calgary is a vibrant art institution in Calgary dedicated to exhibiting contemporary and modern art by local and worldwide artists. It opened in 2019 in the historic Centennial Planetarium, a stunning mid-century modern architectural jewel that provides a unique backdrop to the museum’s exhibitions. Contemporary Calgary aims to engage the public in innovative and thought-provoking contemporary art. The museum’s displays vary from visual arts and multimedia installations to sculpture and performance art. 

These shows frequently question established viewpoints and push limits, stimulating discussion about contemporary cultural and creative trends. In addition, the museum provides educational programs, workshops, and community outreach activities to make art accessible and meaningful to people of all ages and backgrounds. Contemporary Calgary has become a vital cultural institution in the city, boosting the local arts scene and contributing to Calgary’s rising image as a hub for creativity and innovation due to its central position and commitment to supporting contemporary art.

Glenbow Museum

Glenbow’s magnificent collection of art and artifacts can give you a sense of belonging, a sense of what it means to live in Alberta, and a respect for the legacies of the remarkable people and events that have impacted communities. The museum’s creator, Eric Harvie, began collecting almost 50 years ago. His purpose was to provide Albertans access to the art and history that shaped the province, nation, and other communities worldwide. Glenbow’s collection has grown since then, as it gathers both historical and contemporary things that are meaningful and relevant to the community’s ever-changing needs and goals. 

You can find artworks consisting of historical and contemporary art and features, including photographs, prints, drawings, sculptures, and paintings.